Agenda, decisions and minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Monday, 29th July, 2019 11.00 am

Venue: Sheffield City Region, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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Mayor Jarvis provided Members with updates on important matters which have arisen since the last MCA meeting.


The Mayor noted last week’s appointment of a new Prime Minister and a host of new Ministers and suggested it is important that we build productive working relationships with the PM and his government noting he would be writing to Government Departments setting out his priorities for how the Government must put this region and the North at the top of its agenda.


The Mayor suggested it was good to see the Prime Minister in the North on Saturday and welcomed the commitments to deliver Northern Powerhouse Rail, more powers for Metro Mayors and council leaders offering real devolution for our communities, providing better bus services and committing greater funds to the Stronger Towns Fund. 


It was noted the SCR is engaged in further and detailed discussions with senior officials in Government to unlock the devolution deal agreement that Leaders reached earlier this year and also noted that those who support wider Yorkshire devolution arrangements have written to the new Prime Minister to urgently unlock the benefits of devolution to all parts of the region, while creating a pathway to a full One Yorkshire devolution deal in 2022.


The Mayor welcomed the opportunity to confirm the new thematic boards are up and running and suggested that by working together on issues such as skills, housing, infrastructure, business growth and transport we are increasingly well placed to respond to the opportunities and challenges ahead. In respect of transport the Mayor welcomed  good progress on the Bus review noting thousands of responses had been received from members of the public and urging those who have not yet get involved to do so by the 31st August.


Finally, the Mayor wished all South Yorkshire colleagues a very happy Yorkshire Day on Thursday!


Members’ apologies were noted as above.




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Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Voting Rights for Non-constituent Members

To identify whether there are any items of business that apply only to the South Yorkshire Members of the Mayoral Combined Authority, ie, where it would not be appropriate for non-SY Members to have voting rights.

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It was agreed that voting rights could not be conferred on the non-Constituent districts in respect of item 6 - Appointment Of SYPTE Non-Executive Director and item 16 - SYPTE Underspend Travel Support For The Unemployed In South Yorkshire as the matters only affect the South Yorkshire area.


It was agreed there were no further matters for which voting rights could not be conferred.



Appointment Of SYPTE Non-Executive Director pdf icon PDF 155 KB

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RESOLVED, that Sarah Norman is appointed a Non-Executive Director of the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive.



Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda.

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Reports from and questions by members

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Receipt of Petitions

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Public Questions

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Members were informed of the receipt of 2 public questions.


A question was received from Mr Kewley and delivered as follows:


I'd like to see an informal Focus group to consider facilities for public involvement in these statutory meetings and discussing how these could be improved.


This would apply to the Statutory Body itself, and the associated Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and include -

  1. Prior details published on the internet.

  2. Attendance on the public bench.

  3. Submitting a public question and considering the reply.

  4. Monitoring proceedings on the webcast.


I'd like to see a simple feedback form on the public bench at each meeting.


Mr Kewley presented his thoughts on how public engagement in respect of the above points might be improved.


In response the Mayor commented on progress the SCR has made to date to improve public accessibility, noting the new facilities, greater accessibility to meetings, webcasting of meetings, protocols to promptly respond to public questions and the publication of all information on the website. It was noted a new set of decision making governance arrangements had been introduce and hopefully the public will not feel daunted in engaging with these arrangements.


The Mayor informed members he would write to Chair of the Scrutiny Committee requesting ‘how the SCR meets its expectations around public engagement’ forms part of the Committee’s work programme


A question was received from Mr Slack and delivered as follows:


New Zealand have recently produced the first National Budget based not on growth in GDP and fiscal targets for the nation but based on health and wellbeing as a measure of success for the nation.


This is a world first and has had immediate impact around the world.


Sheffield City Partnership Board recently received a strategy from the local CCG and SCC essentially proposing to try and embed health and wellbeing at the heart of all decision making.


It is recognised that health and wellbeing can have very positive impacts on local economies and it also tackles inequality in opportunities and disparity in health measures across divided populations.


How will this potential of health and wellbeing, as a measure of economic success, impact on the work of the City Region and the priorities of the Strategic Economic Plan?


In response the Mayor noted the SCR has some of the poorest health outcomes in the county, and advised members how health and wellbeing, air quality and active travel were all matters that had informed the drafting of the SCR’s refreshed Strategic Economic Plan. The Mayor suggested more will be done going forward to recognise the importance of health and wellbeing.



Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2019 pdf icon PDF 489 KB

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RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2019 are agreed to be an accurate record.



Annual Governance Statement for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

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A report was received inviting consideration and approval of the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement for 2018/19 which included the Governance Improvement Plan for 2019/20.


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2018/19.



Statutory Accounts for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Approval of the Statutory Financial Accounts for the Financial Year 2018/19


           SCR Financial Statements (including Annual Governance Statement)


           ISA 260 – External Audit Report & Letter of Representation


           Summary presentation

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RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the audited Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/19, noting that there will be a late adjustment to the accounts which could not be made in time for the MCA paper publication deadline.


A report was received requesting the Members’ consideration and approval of the MCA’s Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/19, having first had regard to the External Auditor’s audit report (ISA 260).


The Mayor thanks M Thomas and his team for the standard of work undertaken to produce the accounts.


Members were informed that consideration of the draft accounts had progressed through appropriate committees and officer boards ahead of their recommendation for approval.


Members welcomed Dan Spiller to the meeting who on behalf of the External Auditor (EY) advised that the audit was substantially complete pending the receipt of some final information relating to the pension fund (awaited from the SY Pensions Authority’s external auditor Deloittes).


Members were advised it was expected the External Auditor would provide a clean opinion.


The Mayor welcomed the suggestion the Auditor’s opinion would be unqualified and suggested this is a positive reflection on the work done by officers to strengthen our corporate gov arrangements


It was noted there was to be a late adjustment to the accounts which had been acknowledged and endorsed by the External Auditor.


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the audited Annual Statement of Accounts for 2018/19, noting that there will be a late adjustment to the accounts which could not be made in time for the MCA paper publication deadline.


LGF Investment Approvals pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Approves progression of the Digital Engineering Skills Development Network to full approval and award of up to £3.713m grant to Sheffield College subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary


  1. Gives delegated authority to the Head of Paid of Service, in conjunction with the Section 73 and the Monitoring Officer, to enter into the contractual arrangements required as a result of the above approval.


  1. Notes the awards made by the Business Growth executive Board



A report was received requesting the approval of an LGF grant value to the Sheffield College and to provide an update on investment decisions taken by the Executive Boards.


It was noted an additional scheme which was due to be considered at the meeting had been withdrawn and its case would now be heard at the Skills and Employability Board.


Members were informed the Sheffield College have requested £3.71m LGF grant to support a £4.64m scheme to work in collaboration with the private sector to develop skills training capacity at the College’s Olive Grove engineering training centre, the Liberty Speciality Steel engineering training centre and the CTL workplace training facility.


It was reported the refurbishment and new equipment will be required to increase the technical training offer at levels 3 and 4 in the Engineering and Digital Technology sectors to ensure that there is a skilled workforce to fill the increasing number of high value jobs in the Region.


It was reported over a period of 10 years the project is estimated to support 2,051 learners gross additional with an estimated 826 of the net additional learners moving into employment, subsequently indicating a potential cost equivalent of £4,496 per job, considered good value for money for the SCR.


Members were asked to note the conditions of award including stipulations regarding kit ownership and maintenance.


Members were also asked to note that the decision taken at the Business Growth Executive Board to award four LGF BIF grants totalling £0.488m, to award five Made Smarter LGF BIF grants totalling £0.204m and eight Productivity Challenge LGF BIF grants totalling £0.697m to businesses.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Approves progression of the Digital Engineering Skills Development Network to full approval and award of up to £3.713m grant to Sheffield College subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary


  1. Gives delegated authority to the Head of Paid of Service, in conjunction with the Section 73 and the Monitoring Officer, to enter into the contractual arrangements required as a result of the above approval.


  1. Notes the awards made by the Business Growth executive Board



Sheffield City Region Integrated Rail Plan pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


A report was received to present the final Integrated Rail Plan (IRP) for formal policy adoption by the Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA).


Introducing the report the Mayor highlighted the importance of this document to the SCR’s residents and businesses and proposed it be used to demonstrate to government that the SCR won’t stand for less in respect of rail investment.


Cllr Read commented on why the IRP is so important to Rotherham. Cllr Read indicated that Rotherham’s position on HS2 hasn’t changed but welcomed the opportunity for districts to work together on matters of consensus.


Mayor Jones welcomed the IRP’s support for a new East Coast Main Line station at Doncaster Sheffield Airport and investment at other local stations including a new Dearne Valley Parkway Station. Mayor Jones also proposed the importance of delivering the Hickleton-Matt bypass scheme as a pre-requisite for opening up access to new and improved stations. Mayor Jones noted her district’s position on HS2 had also not changed with it believed the government’s preferred route is wrong.


Cllr Houghton reiterated points made by Mayor Jones in respect of the Dearne Valley Parkway Station and the importance of the Hickleton-Marr bypass. Cllr Houghton also called for longer stations at Barnsley station to facilitate the stopping of an increased number of trains using the Midland Main Line and noted his district would continue to lobby for an additional station on the HS2 main line.


Cllr Gilby welcomed the report and its supportive references to electrification for lines serving Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. Cllr Gilby welcomed the proposal that the north would accept nothing less than the best.


RESOLVED, that the MCA endorses the Integrated Rail Plan and notes the next steps for producing the other associated Transport Strategy implementation plans.



SYPTE Underspend Travel Support For The Unemployed In South Yorkshire pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


A report was received outlining proposals to utilise a travel concessions budget underspend to provide supported travel to persons on unemployment programmes within South Yorkshire.


It was noted there is an opportunity to make pragmatic and effective use of SYPTE’s 2018/19 budget underspend by allocating this to support a limited period of free travel on public transport to participants on current employment support schemes which have, as their aims, enabling access to placements and helping individuals find, secure, and transition into work.

Given the budget available, the proposals have limited ambitions – providing short term travel cost support to those participating in schemes and related placements is expected to improve retention rates and marginally improve the prospects of those (re)entering employment for remaining in work.


An explanation was provided for how the initiative would operate.


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the provision of supported public transport travel tickets, aligned with the wider package of support and the duration of the other employment programmes operating within the SCR, ensuring this remains within the available budget.



Health Led Employment Trial Extension Approval pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the 7-month delivery extension and accepts the grant of £1,499,206


A report was received to seek approval to extend the Health Led Employment Trial by 7 months, extending the delivery window from the 31st March 2020 to 31st October 2020 and accept a further £1,499,206 from the Work and Health Unit who fund the trial.


The Mayor and Members welcomed the proposal to extend the trial.


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the 7-month delivery extension and accepts the grant of £1,499,206


Acceptance of Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) Grant for the delivery of the Enterprise Advisor Network (EAN) in the Academic Year 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED, that the MCA accepts the grant subject to the detailed discussion and agreement of the Skills and Employability Thematic Board to determine programme arrangements


A report was received to recommend the acceptance of the second year of that grant allocation for the academic year 2019/20.


It was noted the Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) is a national initiative of the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) and that the SCR LEP has been in receipt of funds from the CEC to support this network since becoming a pilot area in 2015 as part of the first growth deal.


It was noted the MCA accepted the 2 year offer of grant from the CEC in their meeting on the 18 September 2018.


RESOLVED, that the MCA accepts the grant subject to the detailed discussion and agreement of the Skills and Employability Thematic Board to determine programme arrangements


Delegated Authority Report pdf icon PDF 135 KB

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RESOLVED, that the contents of the report are noted.



Any Other Business

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Cllr Dale commented further on the Integrated Rail Plan highlighting the importance of the document to helping North East Derbyshire DC solve its significant Midland Main Line electrification challenges.