Agenda and minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Monday, 27th January, 2020 11.00 am

Venue: Sheffield City Region, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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Members’ apologies were noted as above.



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Welcoming the Members and public present, the Mayor commented on the significance of the meeting noting this is the first MCA meeting post the General Election and the final MCA meeting before the UK officially leaves the EU.


The Mayor informed the meeting he continues to impress upon the Government the importance of getting the flood response right, citing the amazing work undertaken by the Local Authorities and partner agencies to help those communities affected by flooding. It was asserted that whilst the attention of the media may have gone, these communities will not be forgotten and we will be doing all in our power to make sure we have the resources and partnerships in place to mitigate and adapt to climate change.


The Mayor commented on the good progress made recently to get the Devolution Deal process moving progress that unlocks opportunities for us now and in the future and ensure we can be even better placed to deliver on priorities that are important to the SCR.


Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Voting Rights for Non-constituent Members

To identify whether there are any items of business that apply only to the South Yorkshire Members of the Mayoral Combined Authority, ie, where it would not be appropriate for non-SY Members to have voting rights.

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It was agreed that voting rights may not be conferred on non-Constituent Members for item 11: Devolution, item 15: South Yorkshire Transport Revenue Budget 20/21 and item 16: South Yorkshire Transport Capital Programme 20/21 as the matters concern the Constituent area only.


It was agreed there were no further agenda items for which voting right could not be conferred on the non-Constituent Members.


Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

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Mayor Jones declared interest in the matters to be considered at agenda item 18 (LGF Capital Programme Approvals) by virtue of being Leader of the respective sponsoring Authority for the A630 Westmoor Link scheme.


Cllr Houghton declared interest in the matters to be considered at agenda item 18 (LGF Capital Programme Approvals) by virtue of being Leader of their respective sponsoring Authority for the Barnsley College scheme and noting the Council is a partner organisation of the College.


Mayor Jarvis declared an interest in the matters to be considered at item 18 (LGF Capital Programme Approvals) by virtue of being the Constituency MP for the geography the college sits in.


Cllr Dore declared an interest in the matters to be considered at item 17 (LGF Programme Monitoring Update) by virtue of being the Leader of the respective sponsoring authority for the Little Kelham scheme.


Reports from and Questions by Members

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Receipt of Petitions

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None received.


Public Questions

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It was confirmed no new questions had been received.


Members were reminded there were 2 questions received at the previous meeting, the answers for which were held in abeyance due to purdah.


The meeting was reminded the question from Mr Nigel Slack was received as follows:


“With the calling of a General Election for December 12th, many issues around the SCR seem to have been further compromised. From funding bids to scrutiny boards, LEP membership to climate change and not least the finalisation of the devolution deal first struck in 2015, we will presumably see continued delay and disruption. What is the Mayor's perception of the path for the SCRMCA going forward?”


In response, the Mayor commented on the significant progress that has been made in recent weeks to unlock the Devolution Deal.  It was noted consensus has been reached with the Government and Local Authorities in South Yorkshire on a proposed way forward, the details of which are outlined in the paper for discussion today under Agenda item 11.  


The Mayor confirmed his priority is to secure additional powers and long-term funding from Government to deliver our vision and ambitions for the inclusive and sustainable growth that South Yorkshire needs and at a scale not seen before. This will be key in tackling the climate emergency that we are facing and which requires urgent action by all of us, working together to rise to the challenge posed, and as we will discuss at item 12. 


It was noted further updates would be provided in the coming weeks as we continue apace to secure devolution.


The meeting was reminded the public question from Mr Geoff Cox representing Extinction Rebellion was received as follows:


“People across Sheffield City Region are still bailing flood water out of their homes and salvaging what's left of their belongings. Annie Hall was killed not far away in the river Derwent. The climate crisis is lapping at our doorsteps. Will the SCR MCA radically accelerate and expand the proposals in the paper at item 15 on your agenda today? Will they commit to telling the truth about the climate emergency with a public information campaign, cutting Sheffield City Region's emissions to net-zero by 2025, and involve the public in writing a fair and just plan through a citizens' assembly?”


In response, the Mayor reminded the meeting that in November we declared a climate emergency and noted that today, we will consider a framework for responding to the climate emergency and achieving net zero emissions across South Yorkshire. 


It was suggested that engaging with the public is key to addressing the climate challenges we face and the Mayor noted he wants to hear the views and ideas of residents, businesses and partner organisations on how we can work together to reduce and off-set emissions to achieve net zero.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 332 KB

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RESOLVED, that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th November are agreed to be an accurate record.


Devolution pdf icon PDF 184 KB

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A report was received to set out the next steps to progress devolution in South Yorkshire.


It was noted this specifically recommends launching a public consultation on the draft Governance Review and Scheme to unlock the powers, resources and functions set out in its Devolution Deal with Government.


Cllr Read led Members in recording their thanks to everyone involved in bringing this matter forward in a manner that facilitates and recognises the interests of all parties.


RESOLBED, that the MCA:


  1. Approves the Governance Review that has been prepared in accordance with section 111 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009, as amended, which concludes that the exercise of the power to make an order devolving the proposed functions would be likely to improve the exercise of statutory functions in relation to the area of the MCA.


  1. Agrees to launch a six-week, public consultation on the proposals in the Scheme, commencing on the 3rd February.


Delegates to the Head of Paid Service the management of the public consultation process and the subsequent preparation of a summary of the responses received, for consideration by the MCA.


Climate Emergency Response Framework pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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A report was received to outline the proposed response framework to the climate emergency, following its declaration at the 18th November 2019 Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA) meeting.


The Mayor thanked the officers for the work undertaking in bringing together the proposed response framework and reiterated intentions to move at apace on this matter.


Members were advised of the key points of the Framework and how this will reflect the acknowledgment that climate change must be our number one priority for the SCR going forward, suggesting our ambition to be carbon neutral by 2040 is achievable (whilst considered not challenging enough by some parties) if actions commence now, noting this precedes the government’s target by 10 years.


Comment was made on the need for a just transition to ensure measures introduced to remediate climate change do not lead to greater social and economic inequalities.


It was noted the MCA would be asked to accelerate proposals wherever it is considered achievable and beneficial to do so.


It was recognised the SCR can only achieve its climate ambitions through working in partnership with the local universities, businesses, the Local Authorities and through the input and engagement of the SCR’s citizens.


Cllr Dore noted all the districts share good ideas and best practice on climate change and considered what added value the SCR is best placed to contribute to that conversation, suggesting this may be in the guise of the SCR LEP and the ability to directly engage the private sector, expanding actions beyond what matters the councils can directly affect.


Cllr Purdy commented on the requirement for the Government to drive matters at a national and international level and provide a wider framework for SCR to engage with. It was noted the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire districts have identified there is a lack of officer resources needed to deliver the climate change actions and asserted this needs to be appropriately considered by the SCR as actions are developed as part of the outline framework.


Mayor Jones commented on the devastation of the recent floods and what initiatives are in place to continue to support residents and businesses.


Mayor Jarvis reiterated his intentions to press the government on delivering the actions they need to deliver on in support of our region and ensure the right amount of investment is received locally over the forthcoming months and years.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Notes the proposed response framework to the climate emergency and note the further work that will take place over the coming months to put in place specific interventions to deliver upon the policies set out.


Agrees to receive the Energy Strategy; the first component of the framework, at the March MCA meeting.


Statement of Common Ground pdf icon PDF 141 KB

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A report was received to present a Statement of Common Ground for endorsement by the MCA, following agreement of the Statement by local districts.


It was noted this is part of a wider work programme being pursued collaboratively by local planning authorities in the City Region.


Referring back to the previous agenda item, Cllr Dore commented on the relationship between planning policy and wider ambitions around climate change and the needs to fully understand how actions in one area can have various consequences.


Cllr Houghton referenced the need to be clear about planning related governance and decision-making structures and the need to fully understand and agree to the role and responsibility of the SCR.


RESOLVED, the MCA notes the draft Statement of Common Ground pending additional work to be completed prior to future approval.


Period 8 Capital and Revenue Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 229 KB

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A report was received to provide the position as at the end of November 2019 (Period 8) for the revenue and capital programme of the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA) for the financial year 2019/20.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Notes the 2019/20 Period 8 position for the Mayoral Combined Authority’s and LEPs revenue budget and capital programme


  1. Approves the proposed variations to the South Yorkshire Transport capital programme.


Approves the acceptance of Sustainable Transport Access Fund grant extension.


South Yorkshire Transport Revenue Budget 20/21 pdf icon PDF 510 KB

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A report was received to seek approval from the MCA for the proposed 2020/21 South Yorkshire Transport Revenue Budget.


Mayor Jones commented on the unacceptable amount of social isolation in the SCR, especially in rural areas and the need to try and address the effects of people not having sufficient access to public transport, acknowledging the need to balance budgets and other funding priorities.


Cllr Dore referenced the other factors that can lead to social isolation, including austerity, cuts to public services and a consequent lack of destinations, suggesting people will only use public transport if there is somewhere to go, which in terms impacts on the viability of the transport network.


The Mayor reminded members the draft findings of the Bus Review were due to be received in the next couple of months.


It was noted the proposal to keep the Levy at the 2019/20 level will generate £1.1m of funding not considered in the budget presented in the report. Members were asked to consider the options available for how this might be utilised and expressed a preference for investment in tendered services noting this area of service is currently under increasing pressure due to inflation and bus operator costs. It was suggested the additional funding could be earmarked to specifically support this area of activity in 2020/21 and the future and that implementing this option would enable protection of the current essential services from potential cessation.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Notes the contents of the draft 2020/21 South Yorkshire Transport Revenue Budget report


  1. Approves the proposal to retain the PTE Levy at 2019/20 levels


Approves the option presented at paragraph 3.1.2 for utilising the additional funding generated by keeping the Levy at the 2019/20 level


South Yorkshire Transport Capital Programme 20/21 pdf icon PDF 261 KB

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A report was received to seek approval of the proposed 2020/21 South Yorkshire Transport Capital Programme.


It was noted the South Yorkshire Transport Capital Programme is limited geographically to the area covered by the four constituent member authorities and also funds programme activity undertaken by SYPTE. The programme largely comprises: Transforming Cities Fund, SYPTE’s capital programme (covering both small and large scale projects), Highways Capital Maintenance (HCM) (mainly carriageway resurfacing projects carried out by 3 of the 4 constituent member authorities), Integrated Transport Block (ITB) (a range of schemes designed to meet local transport needs and priorities) and ongoing work to develop the Mass Transit scheme beyond outline business case (OBC) stage.


Cllr Dore welcomed the inclusion of the Transforming Cities Fund in the programme and invited the government’s confirmation the full amount proposed will be forthcoming. The Mayor noted representations he had made to that effect in parliament and to Ministers.


RESOLVED, that the MCA approves the proposed 2020/21 South Yorkshire Transport Capital Programme report.


Local Growth Fund (LGF) Monitoring pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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A report was received to provide an update on the 2019/20 LGF current forecast outturn position and an update of the current LGF programme commitments over the life of the LGF programme.


The report asked the MCA to approve one scheme (Little Kelham) to be returned to the pipeline due to significant delays in confirming other sources of funding, and for two further schemes (360 Degrees Media and Foxhill Crescent) approve that they will not be counted towards the over programming position.


The report showed there had been significant fluctuations in year from the predicted spend at the start of the year, and noted action is required to accelerate spending to mitigate the current position where we are currently forecasting a potential underspend.


It was noted the totality of the position for the LGF programme is a significant reduction in the over programming position due to the withdrawal of a number of schemes. Members were informed that further movement on the programme is likely to reduce this and may create additional headroom for schemes to progress.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Notes the predicted 2019/20 LGF outturn position and any remedial action it would wish to see to mitigate negative impact on the LGF spend in 19/20.


  1. Approves the movement of the Little Kelham scheme from approval back into the pipeline, until it can satisfy the conditions of approval.


Agrees to discount two schemes 360 Degrees Media and Foxhill Crescent from the over programming position, whilst retaining them in the pipeline for future funding, due to a high probability of not completing business planning and delivery within the life of the LGF window.


Local Growth Fund (LGF) Approvals pdf icon PDF 147 KB

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A report was received seeking approval of three schemes with a total value over all years of £12.61m Local Growth Fund (LGF) and seeking delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the S73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes.


Regarding the Doncaster Sheffield Airport Passenger Capacity Extension scheme, Members were advised of discussions regarding the airport’s sustainable development goals, which include being carbon neutral by 2030, and informed the project would be monitored to ensure that ambition is met.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Approves the progression of Doncaster Sheffield Airport Passenger Capacity Expansion to full approval and award of £5.02m loan to Doncaster Sheffield Airport Limited subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary Table


  1. Approves the progression of A630: Westmoor Link Road to full approval and award of up to £5m grant to Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary Table


  1. Approves the progression of Digital Innovation Hub to full approval and award of up to £2.59m grant to Barnsley College subject to the conditions set out in the Appraisal Panel Summary Table


Agrees delegated authority be given to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the s73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above.


Arts & Culture pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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A report was received to seek the MCA’s support for the development of a programme of work to further evolve the arts and cultural sectors in South Yorkshire.


The meeting expressed surprise and concern at the Mayor’s report that there had been no South Yorkshire sites of artistic and cultural interest contained within the latest edition of the Lonely Planet list of 500 places to visit in the UK.


Members were presented with proposals for how perceived weaknesses with the county’s cultural and artistic offer might be addressed.


Cllr Dore acknowledged the need to differentiate between visitor attractions (attracting visitors from outside the region) and local attractions (which serve the cultural and artistic appetite of local residents) and requested more be done to understand why participation rates are surprisingly low and ensure people are fully enabled to access everything that the county offers.


Members noted support for the general intentions of the strategy as presented and the need to enhance the economic and social opportunities afforded by the local and ‘inward destination’ arts and cultural offer.


The importance of community level arts, as well as ‘big shiny things’ was acknowledged, as was the need for all local residents having the ability to access all arts and cultural offers.


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


  1. Agrees to support the development of a programme of work to further evolve the arts and cultural sectors in South Yorkshire.


Notes the Mayor’s intention to explore additional initiatives to consider how the SCR can add value to the work of the Local Authorities.


Contract Award - BSW Provision of Cleaning Services pdf icon PDF 47 KB

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A report was received to seek approval to appoint a provider of cleaning services for the Sheffield City Region offices at Broad Street West, Sheffield.


It was confirmed the real living wage will be paid to all employees.


RESOLVED, that delegated authority is given to the Head of Paid Service to approve the award of an up to 4 year contract (3 years plus 1 year extension) in excess of £100,000 for the Provision of Cleaning Services at Sheffield City Region Offices.


Delegated Authority Report pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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Provided for information.