Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and apologies were noted as above. |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor noted the Home Office’s
consultation on the transfer of Police and Crime Commission
functions to the Mayor of South Yorkshire had ended in January, and
that a Transfer Order had been laid before Parliament, and would
now be subject to debate in the House of Commons and the House of
Lords before a final decision is made by March 2024.
He added that the March meeting of the MCA Board would consider the bus franchising assessment process, and in March the Supertram would transfer back into public control.
Finally, the Mayor noted that the present meeting would focus on the Outline Business case for re-opening Doncaster Sheffield Airport. |
Urgent Items To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press. (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.) Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Reports from and questions by members Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Receipt of Petitions Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Public Questions Additional documents: Minutes: N Slack presented the following question: “Will the SYMCA work with the local Councils to bring forward a funding plan for the Local List project that will help deal with the backlog of cases awaiting attention and provide a sustainable package for the foreseeable future?”
The Mayor responded that he was proud of the heritage work taking place across South Yorkshire, and that the MCA was supporting heritage through the Place Plans of each Local Authority. He added that SYMCA’s Feasibility Fund was also helping to bring forward scheme development across the region.
As part of the MCA’s reviewed governance, culture leads from each Local Authority were meeting regularly alongside representatives from Historic England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
A Local Visitor Economic Partnership had been formed, and a Destination Management Plan would set out the strategic importance of heritage to South Yorkshire’s visitor economy.
Finally, a new one-year pilot of a Local Listing system would soon be hosted by the South Yorkshire Archaeology Service, which would identify significant local heritage assets and allow additional protections from demolition to be invoked.
Cllr Hunt added to the response, noting that culture and heritage is about much more than just listed sites, and should also include natural and cultural assets across South Yorkshire.
R Morris presented the following question: “Can the Mayor confirm that officers are preparing a report to be presented to March 12th Board meeting on the outcomes of its business case?” he also expressed concern about cuts to bus services in South Yorkshire.
The Mayor responded that notice had now been given that the MCA intended to consider the outcome of the bus franchising assessment at its Board meeting on the 12th March.
He stressed that the MCA had undertaken this work diligently, and that this had been necessary to avoid any risk of judicial review of outcomes.
RESOLVED: To note the responses. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January PDF 207 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record. |
Additional documents:
Decision: 1. Note the publication of the Level 4 Framework and the opportunities this presents to the South Yorkshire MCA. 2. Note that the MCA has engaged with the formal process of securing Level 4 Framework powers in line with the guidance set out by the Government on the 23rd November 2023. Minutes: An update report on Devolution was presented. It noted representations which had been made to Government regarding the MCA’s intention to proceed to a “Level 4” Devolution deal. It also noted that the MCA Board had now written to the Secretary of State, and that MCA Officers were engaged in discussions with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities, and expected to hear back before the pre-election period.
It was noted that Government was now moving to a more standardised offer fr the remaining MCAs following the Greater Manchester and West Midlands Trailblazers.
Members welcomed the update but expressed disappointment at the lack of a consistent approach on business rate retention or a single-pot settlement in the current offer. The Mayor stressed that disparities in devolution offers would only continue inequity between regions.
1. Note the publication of the Level 4 Framework and the opportunities this presents to the South Yorkshire MCA. 2. Note that the MCA has engaged with the formal process of securing Level 4 Framework powers in line with the guidance set out by the Government on the 23rd November 2023. |
Investment Zone Update PDF 144 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: that the Board: 1. Supports the governance arrangements and the interventions outlined in Section 2 of this report.
Minutes: A progress report on the Investment Zone was presented for approval. The report sought approval to a range of governance arrangements and interventions around the Investment Zone.
It was noted that South Yorkshire was announced as the first Investment Zone in July 2023, and that the funding available to the region had since been doubled to £160m over 10 years.
The MCA Board had previously agreed delegated authority to Officers to submit to government proposals on vision, sector, geography and governance. It was expected that a Memorandum of Understanding would soon be submitted to the Board for approval. Members welcomed this progress.
It was noted that the Investment Zone model being followed was not the original low taxation, low regulation model originally announced, but one which would build on growth and the world-leading strengths in South Yorkshire.
Mayor Jones stressed that the success of Gateway East was dependent on the existence of an operational airport on the site.
RESOLVED: that the Board: 1. Supports the governance arrangements and the interventions outlined in Section 2 of this report. |
Adult Education Budget and Skills Programme Approvals PDF 213 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: that the Board: 1. Approve the new, simplified three-year framework for procuring skills provision from independent training providers; 2. Approve the end-of-year positions on the Adult Education Budget and Free Courses for Jobs (FCFJ) budget; 3. Approve the implementation of DfE’s updated Adult Skills Fund rates and the proposed approach to Multiply allocations; 4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Investment and Corporate Director of Growth, Business and Skills to use any unallocated Multiply grant funding to award further contracts, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Skills; and, 5. Note the award of grant funding accepted under officer delegations: £0.04m from Careers and Enterprise Company for expansion of Careers Hub Primary Pilot, and £3.00m from DfE for Skills Bootcamps Wave 5
Minutes: A report on Adult Education Budget and Skills Programme Approvals was presented for approval.
It was noted that the MCA was seeking new ways of delivering skills funding within better performing budgets. The report proposed a three-year framework for procurement of services from the independent sector, which included:
RESOLVED: that the Board: 1. Approve the new, simplified three-year framework for procuring skills provision from independent training providers; 2. Approve the end-of-year positions on the Adult Education Budget and Free Courses for Jobs (FCFJ) budget; 3. Approve the implementation of DfE’s updated Adult Skills Fund rates and the proposed approach to Multiply allocations; 4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Investment and Corporate Director of Growth, Business and Skills to use any unallocated Multiply grant funding to award further contracts, in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Skills; and, Note the award of grant funding accepted under officer delegations: £0.04m from Careers and Enterprise Company for expansion of Careers Hub Primary Pilot, and £3.00m from DfE for Skills Bootcamps Wave 5. |
South Yorkshire Airport City Outline Business Case PDF 217 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: that the Board: 1. Approve the progression of the South Yorkshire Airport City project to Full Business Case 2. Agree to an update report being brought to the MCA Board in March 2024.
Minutes: A report on The South Yorkshire Airport City Outline Business Case was presented by Mayor Jones for approval. She stated that negotiations were ongoing in good faith with the landowners of the airport, and Doncaster Council was hopeful that a deal would be agreed.
It was noted that the next stage of procurement had been entered into, with the aim of appointing an operator for the airport in the Spring.
The anticipated benefits of re-opening the airport were estimated to be adding approximately £1bn to the local economy, 5,000 direct jobs created, and 6,000 indirect jobs created, as well as catalytic job creation in the aviation industry.
Doncaster MPs had been updated on progress and were fully supportive.
Cllr Hunt welcomed the report and its emphasis on the potential for creating a sustainable airport hub in South Yorkshire.
The Mayor noted that the MCA and Doncaster Council were working to ensure the best value for money for the taxpayer, and would continue to call on the Government to provide greater funding support to re-open the airport.
RESOLVED: that the Board: 1. Approve the progression of the South Yorkshire Airport City project to Full Business Case 2. Agree to an update report being brought to the MCA Board in March 2024.
Programme Approvals PDF 152 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: that the Board approve: 1. Progression of “Crossed Wires Podcast Festival” from FBC to full approval and award of £0.30m convertible loan to Crossed Wires Ltd subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B. 2. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Coppard - in his position as the Portfolio Lead for Transport - for consideration of the “Transport Innovation Fund pilot schemes” as detailed in 1.5 3. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above. Minutes: A Programme Approvals Report was presented, which sought approval of progression of a proposal for a podcast festival in South Yorkshire and a number of Transport Innovation schemes.
RESOLVED: that the Board approve: 1. Progression of “Crossed Wires Podcast Festival” from FBC to full approval and award of £0.30m convertible loan to Crossed Wires Ltd subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B. 2. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Coppard - in his position as the Portfolio Lead for Transport - for progression of the “Transport Innovation Fund pilot schemes” as detailed in 1.5 3. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above. |
Delegated Authority Report PDF 155 KB Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: The Board was provided with details of decisions and delegations made by under the Officer Scheme of Delegation since the previous meeting.
RESOLVED that the decisions and delegations made under delegated authority up to February be noted. |