Agenda and minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Wednesday, 15th April, 2020 11.00 am

Venue: Virtual - Online Meeting


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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The Mayor welcomed everyone to first virtual meeting of the SCR MCA.


The Mayor confirmed that whilst the meeting was not taking place at Broad Street West in the usual way, it was still being webcast. 


Members’ apologies were noted as above.



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The Mayor reported he is working to support our residents through the gravest public health emergency any of us have faced. He recognised that this is an incredibly difficult and challenging time for our local communities, people and businesses. He and other members of the Authority are working around the clock to ensure that South Yorkshire is best equipped to contribute to the fight against the Coronavirus.


It was noted the Mayor is receiving regular briefings from our Local Resilience Forum and is in daily contact with our Directors of Public Health, Local Authorities, NHS trusts, the Police and business community.


The Mayor reassured everyone that the best possible preparations are being made.


In the previous week the Mayor had brought together key regional stakeholders and anchor institutions to forge a collective economic response to the crisis through the South Yorkshire Economic Recovery Taskforce. 


It was noted additional resource has been put into the SCR Growth Hub, to ensure South Yorkshire businesses can access advice and support during COVID-19. The scope for flexing the Skills Bank initiative to offer additional training for businesses that need help to stabilise and move, for example, to online operations is also being explored.


The Mayor noted he has taken steps to ensure the continued resilience of the public transport system to enable key workers to get to where they need to be and has succeeded in getting concessionary travel to the over 65s extended to ensure they can access supermarket grace shopping periods. 


It was noted the issue of workers’ rights and social distancing guidelines for warehouse and distribution staff in South Yorkshire has been raised directly with the Business Secretary.


The Mayor noted that this is a worrying and stressful time for the communities that members of the Authority were elected to serve, but that we are also seeing an extraordinary and inspirational resilience from our people, many of whom are stepping up to ensure that their neighbours get the support and essential supplies they need.


The Mayor proposed that the MCA has a vital role to play, both in the response to the Coronavirus pandemic and in the South Yorkshire we rebuild – together - in its aftermath.


Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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The Mayor asked Steve Davenport, SCR Principal Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to explain the main points of compliance in respect of convening a virtual meeting.


It was noted this is covered by the legislation introduced through the Coronavirus Act 2020 which reduces the resourcing and administrative burden on public bodies and includes new capabilities to allow virtual public meetings, providing those meetings are webcast.


RESOLVED, that the MCA Constitution be amended to reflect the Coronavirus Act 2020 legislation, including the conferring of voting rights and inclusion in the quoracy figures for Members attending virtually.


Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Voting Rights for Non-constituent Members

To identify whether there are any items of business that apply only to the South Yorkshire Members of the Mayoral Combined Authority, ie, where it would not be appropriate for non-SY Members to have voting rights.

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It was agreed that voting rights may not be conferred on the non-Constituent Members for agenda item 11 (Progressing the South Yorkshire Devolution Deal: Summary of the Public Consultation) as the matter concerns the constituent councils only.


Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda.

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Reports from and questions by members

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Receipt of Petitions

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None received.


Public Questions

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None received.


Minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2020 pdf icon PDF 266 KB

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RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January are agreed to be an accurate record.


Progressing the South Yorkshire Devolution Deal: Summary of the Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 280 KB

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A report was presented to summarise progress in the implementation of the South Yorkshire Devolution Deal


Focussed on summarising the results of the recent public consultation, the report recommended the submission of the outcomes of this process to the Secretary of State, as the next step to unlocking devolution.


The Mayor invited Dave Smith, SCR Chief Executive, to summarise the outcomes of the consultation exercise and next steps.


It was noted 675 representations and responses had been received following the six week consultation that was undertaken between February and March (summarised at Appendix A to the report).


The meeting was informed that if the MCA is minded to agree to submit the findings of the consultation, the Secretary of State would then produce a draft powers Order, which would require the consent of all Constituent Councils, the MCA and the Mayor by the 8th June to enable the order to be laid before Parliament ahead of the summer recess.


Consideration was given to two proposed amendments to the published report

i.          It was agreed to reference in the main body of the covering report at paragraph 4.6 the stated positions of Barnsley MBC and Doncaster MBC in respect of their intentions to join a Yorkshire-wide Authority should such an entity develop out of the current Yorkshire Leaders Group. A revised version of the cover report will be published incorporating this amendment. To seek confirmation from the government that the position adopted in 2017 in respect of the Mayor having to be in the voting majority for all new powers remains the position.


It was agreed that the published recommendations would be amended to read as follows. 


RESOLVED, that the MCA:


1.            Notes the outcome of the consultation undertaken (as outlined in Annex A and B)


2.            Agrees to submit the reports on the consultation at Annexes A, B and C alongside the Governance Review and Scheme to the Secretary of State. In agreement to sign the Deal and agrees to seek in writing from the Secretary of State, that the government is continuing to uphold the position adopted in 2017 in respect to the Mayor having to be in the voting majority in the exercise of all new MCA Devolution Powers. 


3.            Delegates to the Head of Paid Service, in consultation with the Mayor and the MCA Members from the four Constituent Authorities, authority to take forward and conclude the legal steps necessary to implement the Devolution Deal including consenting on behalf of the Authority to the enabling Powers Order, provided that such Order corresponds to the proposals contained in the Governance Review and Scheme, agreed by the MCA in January.


Mayor's Closing Remarks

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The Mayor recognised this would be Andrew Frosdick’s final SCR MCA meeting ahead of his retirement. The Mayor led Members in thanking Andrew for all his years of sterling service to the Authority, as well as to Barnsley Council.


The Mayor thanked everyone playing their part in tacking this emergency, from NHS staff to shop workers, from refuse collection workers to bus drivers, and not forgetting the staff in so many call centres helping those in need. The Mayor noted our thoughts are with those who have been directly affected by the virus and their loved ones.


The Mayor noted that the Coronavirus is the biggest challenge we face. He  strongly urged everyone to continue to follow the guidance issued by the NHS and Public Health England to contain this virus and ensure we can come through this emergency together.