Agenda, decisions and minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Tuesday, 12th March, 2024 1.00 pm

Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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The Mayor welcomed attendees to the meeting and apologies were noted as above.



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The Mayor confirmed that in the Chancellor’s recent Budget it had been announced that South Yorkshire would receive a “Level 4” devolution offer, which would bring greater financial flexibility for the MCA and the possibility of greater partnerships across Whitehall departments and agencies.


He also noted that the MCA had been successful in a bid for nearly £9m to fund electric vehicle charging points.


In the Budget the Chancellor had also announced an extension of the Household Support Fund, but the Mayor stated that this would not be enough to support struggling families across South Yorkshire, and that long-term growth would be needed.


Finally, he updated that the Commons’ Delegated Legislation Committee had voted to support the order for the transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner functions to the role of Mayor of South Yorkshire, and that the order would be considered by the Lords committee on 18th March.


The Mayor noted that this would be the final ordinary MCA Board meeting before the next Mayoral election, and thanked members, officers and partners for their work and support over the past two years.




Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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Cllr Glyn Jones provided an update on South Yorkshire Airport City, noting that:

·       The MCA had approved the outline business case at its February meeting,

·       That the Full Business Case will be informed by the lease negotiations with Peel and the procurement of an airport operator,

·       Reopening the airport is just one part of the vision for the wider Gateway East area.



Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

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Reports from and questions by members

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Receipt of Petitions

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F Postlethwaite presented a petition and open letter expressing concern that the election period could delay any progress towards a public consultation stage of a Bus Franchising decision, and asked for a decision on public consultation to be taken sooner than the June MCA meeting.


The Mayor thanked petitioners for campaigning on this issue, and noted that

 bus reform would be considered later in the agenda.


He stated that, if the MCA Board agreed to proceed to independent audit, the length of the audit could not be accurately predicted, and it would be important for all Board members to consider the next steps of the assessment process. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to take any decisions on public consultation before the next meeting of the Board.


The following petition was presented on behalf of students of King Ecgbert School for an additional 798 school bus.


We are constantly assured that punctuality and attendance are vital for our education – but this is not possible without efficient transport to school. Day after day, there are complaints about the buses, with many of us missing out on our lesson times because we arrive late, which affects our attendance and therefore education and reports.”


The Mayor responded that he shared concerns about the travel needs of pupils. However, a fundamental challenge is faced in the way bus services in South Yorkshire are funded, with less per head of population being received in bus funding in the region than in other regions.


Outside of the statutory duty to provide school bus services, and the additional spend around £5.1m per year protecting school services, more services could not be afforded, and the MCA could not deliver on ambitions for a world class public transport network in South Yorkshire.


R Steele and D Jackson presented the following petition:


“We, the undersigned, call on Stagecoach to reinstate the 43/33 bus routes or to reroute other services to provide access to the bus network for the elderly and infirm residents living on the Broadway estates. We urge the South Yorkshire Mayoral Authority to pressurise Stagecoach to ensure the services are reinstated”


The Mayor responded that following the withdrawal of commercial services by Stagecoach, SYMCA had moved to reinstate services as best it could within limited budget. From Monday 8th April, the MCA would be funding a tendered 33 service, operated by South Pennine Community Transport, and was funding free Community Transport in the meantime.


He recognised the strength of feeling in the community on the loss of this service, and agreed to support campaigners in their efforts, and agreed to make representations to Stagecoach management on the issue on their behalf.



Public Questions

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S Geller presented the following question:


“We are a group of representatives from organisations who believe that the carriage of cycles on Supertram services would be a boost for Active Travel in Sheffield as well as boosting the use of the tram service. We understand that there are differing opinions on this and therefore we would like to propose a trial of cycle carriage, to see whether any of the predicted problems actually materialise.”


The Mayor responded that, as part of the end of the current tram concession, he would like a policy review to include the case for cycle carriages on trams.


He acknowledged that a solution may not be straightforward and would need to recognise the need for space and access for passengers with mobility challenges.


The following question was raised on behalf of J Greene:


Item 20, 20ii shows the budget for the MCA.

Of the £2.3 million given for the Sheaf Valley route, only £0.3 mi spent monies are stated.

A further £0.79 spend is predicted, totalling £1.09 mil

The forecast completion date is listed as December 2023.

Shoreham Street has not been upgraded, making that date incorrect.

My questions are as follows:

1. Why is there a £1,210.000 underspend predicted?

2. Is there any further works forecast? (Shoreham Street)

3. Keeping in mind this project was announced in 2020, what are the reasons for the current delays?

4. The Sheaf valley extension, east bank road now says TBC, is this held up by the delays at Shoreham Street. If not, what are the reasons?

5. Does the Mayor and Leader of SCC agree with the statement that "delivering a safe cycle route along Shoreham Street is a vital part of the vision to enable active travel from south and south-east Sheffield"?”


The Mayor responded that there was no underspend on this scheme, and that the remaining monies were still to be allocated in the budget as the project was currently undergoing change control.


He added that one of the key objectives for active travel across South Yorkshire is to give people the choice to walk, wheel and cycle for everyday journeys, and that he shares Sheffield City Council’s commitment to progressing the whole Connecting Sheffield programme, and the next phase of this scheme.



Minutes of the meeting held on 13th February pdf icon PDF 189 KB

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.


Plan for Growth pdf icon PDF 233 KB

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That Board members:

a. Approve the draft content of the Plan for Growth;

b. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director in consultation with the Mayor and Head of Paid Service to sign-off the final Plan for Growth detail and design; and,

c. Agree to publish the working document in March


A report on the Plan for Growth was presented noting that the final document would be published later in the week.


The Plan focussed on four “Growth Areas” which would act as centres for more higher paid, secure jobs:

1. Sheffield City Centre and the Research Spine

2. SY Airport City (Doncaster)

3. Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District (Rotherham and Sheffield)

4. Barnsley Digital Centre.


Members welcomed this work and noted that the Plan would align with each Local Authority’s individual growth plan.



That Board members:

a. Approve the draft content of the Plan for Growth;

b. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director in consultation with the Mayor and Head of Paid Service to sign-off the final Plan for Growth detail and design; and,

c. Agree to publish the working document in March



Skills Strategy and AEB: Priorities, Flexibilities and Allocations pdf icon PDF 265 KB

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that Board members:

1.      Approve draft content of the Skills Strategy.

2.      Delegate authority to the Corporate Director and section 73 officer in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Education, Training and Skills to sign-off the final Skills Strategy content and design

3.      Approve AEB priorities for 2024/25

4.      Approve the use of additional AEB funding policy changes and flexibilities

5.      Approve indicative allocations for AEB grant (£31.8m) and Free Courses for Jobs (FCFJ) grant (£1.28m) funding; AEB procured (£10m) and FCFJ procured (£2.2m) provision for 2024/25;and AEB Innovation Fund (£2m)

6.      Delegate authority to the Section 73 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Education Training and Skills to approve 2024/25 proposals for specific learning organisations as set out in Appendix A.

7.      Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to negotiate the terms and approve entering into legal agreements for the schemes above.


A report on the Skills Strategy and Adult Education Budget was presented by Cllr Houghton. He noted that this would be South Yorkshire’s first employment and skills strategy.


The strategy would be published later in the week, and would focus on:

·   Growing the workforce,

·   Growing the basic skills of the workforce,

·   Creating high level skills to meet high-value jobs.


The paper also sought approval of allocations of the Adult Education Budget, and flexibilities in how the funding is used. 


The Director of Skills thanked Local Authorities and partners for their support in developing the Strategy, and noted that an implementation plan should be developed by the Autumn.


RESOLVED: that Board members:

1.    Approve draft content of the Skills Strategy.

2.    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director and section 73 officer in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Education, Training and Skills to sign-off the final Skills Strategy content and design

3.    Approve AEB priorities for 2024/25

4.    Approve the use of additional AEB funding policy changes and flexibilities

5.    Approve indicative allocations for AEB grant (£31.8m) and Free Courses for Jobs (FCFJ) grant (£1.28m) funding; AEB procured (£10m) and FCFJ procured (£2.2m) provision for 2024/25;and AEB Innovation Fund (£2m)

6.    Delegate authority to the Section 73 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Lead for Education Training and Skills to approve 2024/25 proposals for specific learning organisations as set out in Appendix A.

7.  Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to negotiate the terms and approve entering into legal agreements for the schemes above.



South Yorkshire Bus Reform pdf icon PDF 353 KB

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RESOLVED: That Board members:

1.      Note the outcome of the assessment of the proposed franchising scheme.

2.      Subject to recommendation 3 below, approve the progression of the proposed franchising scheme to Independent Audit, in accordance with s.123D of the Transport Act 2000.

3.      Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Services, in consultation with the Section 73 Officer and Monitoring Officer, to approve final amendments to the Franchising Assessment and the proposed Franchising Scheme prior to progression to Independent Audit, provided that such final amendments do not materially impact the outcome of the Franchising Assessment. The Franchising Assessment and the proposed franchising scheme are set out at Appendices A and B to this report.

4.      Approve the entering into contract with an Independent Auditor to undertake the statutorily required audit under s.123D of the Transport Act 2000.

5.      Receive a further report following the completion of the Independent Audit



A report on South Yorkshire Bus Reform was presented, noting that:

·   The first stage in the bus franchising assessment had now been completed,

·   The assessment had considered options for changing and improving the network,

·   Strategic, economic, commercial, management and financial business cases had been developed, setting out objectives around affordability, value for money, and punctuality, among many other considerations,

·   The options presented included ‘Enhanced Partnership Plus’, and several options for a franchised system,

·   The assessment had concluded that the preferred option is ‘Franchising Option B’, which includes the provision for the MCA to own both the bus fleet and depots,

·   Franchising Option B would require some up-front investment, but would allow greater competition on the routes, and also allow new entrants to the market,

·   If approved, the next step in the process would be to conduct an independent audit of the assessment. 


The Mayor welcomed this as a significant step in the assessment process. He noted that the MCA had moved through this process quicker than any other region, but that the next decision would not take place until at least 3 months from now, following the local elections.


Cllr Hunt stated his support for the proposal, and stressed that the bus network is the number one issue raised by residents.


RESOLVED: That Board members:

1.    Note the outcome of the assessment of the proposed franchising scheme.

2.    Subject to recommendation 3 below, approve the progression of the proposed franchising scheme to Independent Audit, in accordance with s.123D of the Transport Act 2000.

3.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Services, in consultation with the Section 73 Officer and Monitoring Officer, to approve final amendments to the Franchising Assessment and the proposed Franchising Scheme prior to progression to Independent Audit, provided that such final amendments do not materially impact the outcome of the Franchising Assessment. The Franchising Assessment and the proposed franchising scheme are set out at Appendices A and B to this report.

4.    Approve the entering into contract with an Independent Auditor to undertake the statutorily required audit under s.123D of the Transport Act 2000.

5.    Receive a further report following the completion of the Independent Audit.



Beds for Babies: Safe Space to Sleep Programme pdf icon PDF 257 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board approve:

1.    Investment of £2.2m of MCA funds into a Safe Space to Sleep Programme that: a) Tackles unmet and growing demand for cots, cot beds / toddler beds and moses baskets for children aged 0-5 right across South Yorkshire. B) Enables the region to test and learn: Delivers 4 test and learn pilots focused around delivering a safe space in Goldthorpe, Mexborough, Swinton and Gleadless to build a detailed evidence base of what works to deliver trust, stronger working relationships between statutory and non-statutory services, community and partner led project design at a community level. C) Supports an evaluation programme: to build an investment case for shifting mainstream resources into prevention, social and community infrastructure capital.

2.      The intention of the MCA and partners to align with existing services and to work through delivery partners from within the voluntary and community sector in South Yorkshire.

3.      A delegation to the Head of Paid Service, S151 Officer and Monitoring Officer in consultation with the South Yorkshire Mayor to put in place the required legal agreements with both the delivery partners and the project evaluators.


A report on Beds for Babies, the Mayor’s Safe Place to Sleep Programme, was presented, which sought to:

·   Address immediate demand for beds, cots and related equipment in the region,

·   Deliver pilots in Goldthorpe, Mexborough, Swinton and Gleadless,

·   Conduct an in-depth evaluation to build an investment case for shifting resources into prevention, social and community infrastructure capital.


The Mayor noted that he was particularly proud of this project, and that it had been designed through a partnership approach which brought together local councils, the MCA, public health, the NHS and the voluntary and community sector.


Cllr Allen welcomed this initiative, and noted its connection with the introduction of ‘baby packs’ by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.   


RESOLVED: That the Board approve:

1.    Investment of £2.2m of MCA funds into a Safe Space to Sleep Programme that: a) Tackles unmet and growing demand for cots, cot beds / toddler beds and moses baskets for children aged 0-5 right across South Yorkshire. B) Enables the region to test and learn: Delivers 4 test and learn pilots focused around delivering a safe space in Goldthorpe, Mexborough, Swinton and Gleadless to build a detailed evidence base of what works to deliver trust, stronger working relationships between statutory and non-statutory services, community and partner led project design at a community level. C) Supports an evaluation programme: to build an investment case for shifting mainstream resources into prevention, social and community infrastructure capital.

2.    The intention of the MCA and partners to align with existing services and to work through delivery partners from within the voluntary and community sector in South Yorkshire.

3.  A delegation to the Head of Paid Service, S151 Officer and Monitoring Officer in consultation with the South Yorkshire Mayor to put in place the required legal agreements with both the delivery partners and the project evaluators.



UKSPF Delivery Update pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.      Note the progress update on delivery and the approach to securing 2024-25 funding.

2.     Prioritise submitting remaining 2023-24 UKSPF funding claims to MCA as quickly as possible



A UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Update was presented. It highlighted the performance of the programme and commended the performance of partners in delivering schemes under the fund’s 3 strands:

·   Communities and Place,

·   Supporting Local Businesses,

·   People and Skills.


Cllr Houghton noted that UKSPF monies had been well received and well used, but that demand had exceeded supply, and that the amount received had been less than that which had been available through the European Union.


Members agreed on the importance of this fund for South Yorkshire’s communities, and that it would be important to continue to lobby government for a continuation of UKSPF funding. 


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1. Note the progress update on delivery and the approach to securing 2024-25 funding.

2. Prioritise submitting remaining 2023-24 UKSPF funding claims to MCA as quickly as possible



Local Visitor Economy Partnership and South Yorkshire Destination Management Plan pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.      Approve the South Yorkshire Destination Management Plan (Appendix A)

2.      Approve the establishing of an LVEP Advisory Forum to support the MCA Culture, Creative and Digital Portfolio Lead.


A report on Local Visitor Economy Partnership and South Yorkshire Destination Management Plan was presented. It noted that:

·   South Yorkshire’s visitor economy had been worth approximately £2bn pre-covid,

·   Following a submission to Visit England, South Yorkshire had been successful in securing formal Local Visitor Economy Partnership accreditation status,

·   Sheffield City Council is the lead accountable body for this work,

·   A Destination Management Plan is required to underpin the Partnership, and would seek to address challenges in the local visitor economy.


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.    Approve the South Yorkshire Destination Management Plan (Appendix A)

2.    Approve the establishing of an LVEP Advisory Forum to support the MCA Culture, Creative and Digital Portfolio Lead.



Culture, Creative and Heritage Investment Update pdf icon PDF 186 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.       The MCA Board are asked to note the investments being made in cultural, creative and heritage schemes across South Yorkshire:

a. Childrens Capital of Culture £0.96m grant

b. Harmony Works scheme up-to £2m grant

c. The Castle Project scheme up-to £5m grant


An update on Culture, Creative and Heritage Investments was presented, noting the following schemes which were due for approval later in the meeting: 

·   A £0.96m grant for the Childrens Capital of Culture in Rotherham,

·   An up to £2m grant for the Harmony Works scheme in Sheffield,

·   An up to £5m grant for the Castle Project scheme in Sheffield.


Members welcomed these schemes and noted them as examples which showcase how South Yorkshire’s local visitor economy can continue to grow under the Destination Management Plan.  


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.      The MCA Board are asked to note the investments being made in cultural, creative and heritage schemes across South Yorkshire:

a. Childrens Capital of Culture £0.96m grant

b. Harmony Works scheme up-to £2m grant

c. The Castle Project scheme up-to £5m grant



Tram Transfer Update pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.      Note that with effect from the 22nd March 2024 the Supertram system will be operated by SYFTL, a wholly owned subsidiary company of the MCA.


An update on Tram Transfer was presented, which noted that:

·   The Tram Concession with South Yorkshire Supertram Limited (SYSL) was due to expire on the 21st March 2024.  With effect from the 22nd March 2024 the Supertram system would be operated by South Yorkshire Future Trams Limited (SYFTL), a wholly owned subsidiary company of the MCA.,

·   The tram system was now around 30 years old, and it would take a long-term plan and investment to meet the MCA’s integrated transport ambitions,

·   Renewal of the Tram system would allow expansion of the network alongside bus reform, renewal of railways and greater active travel.


The Mayor welcomed this as a significant step towards a fully integrated public transport system in South Yorkshire.


RESOLVED: That the Board:

Note that with effect from the 22nd March 2024 the Supertram system will be operated by SYFTL, a wholly owned subsidiary company of the MCA.



Assurance Framework pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.      Note the proposed amendments to the Assurance Framework to ensure compliance with the Government’s requirements and most recent issued guidance.

2.      Consider any further changes they wish to evaluate for governance, funding approvals or decision-making arrangements from 1 April 2024.

3.      Agree the draft Assurance Framework in Appendix A for onward publication and submission to Government.


A Draft Assurance Framework was presented.


It was noted that this document is renewed annually and explains how the MCA is structured and how it makes and appraises investment decisions.


The Framework would also be presented to the Audit Standards and Risk Committee, before being submitted to Government. Sign off by Government would trigger the release of the next year of Gainshare funding.


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.    Note the proposed amendments to the Assurance Framework to ensure compliance with the Government’s requirements and most recent issued guidance.

2.    Consider any further changes they wish to evaluate for governance, funding approvals or decision-making arrangements from 1 April 2024.

3.  Agree the draft Assurance Framework in Appendix A for onward publication and submission to Government.



MCA Constitution pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.    Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make all amendments required to the Constitution to accommodate the transfer of PCC functions to the Mayor with effect from 7th May 2024, bringing a final version of the Constitution, showing the amendments made, to the MCA Board in June for final endorsement.


A Report on the MCA Constitution was presented, which noted that as part of ongoing work to absorb the functions of the Police and Crime Commissioner into the MCA, amendments to the Constitution would be required.


The report sought delegated authority for Officers to approve an amended constitution which affects these changes, and the updated document would be presented to the June Board meeting. 


RESOLVED: That the Board authorise the Monitoring Officer to make all amendments required to the Constitution to accommodate the transfer of PCC functions to the Mayor with effect from 7th May 2024, bringing a final version of the Constitution, showing the amendments made, to the MCA Board in June for final endorsement.



Annual Budget & Treasury Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 264 KB

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APPROVED: That the Board:

1.    Approve the adoption of the revenue and capital budget estimates for the year;

2.      Approve the reserve strategy;

3.      Approve the Treasury Management Strategy;

4.      Delegate authority to the Section 73 Officer to accept a number of grant awards.


The Annual Budget and Treasury Management Strategy was presented.


It was noted that a balanced budget was presented, and that many of the schemes discussed by the Board today were contained within.


RESOLVED: That the Board:

1.    Approve the adoption of the revenue and capital budget estimates for the year;

2.    Approve the reserve strategy;

3.    Approve the Treasury Management Strategy;

4. Delegate authority to the Section 73 Officer to accept a number of grant awards.



Programme Approvals pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board approves:

a.    Progression of “North Bridge Connector” from BJC to full approval and award of £1.44m grant to City of Doncaster Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A.

b.    Progression of “South West Bus Corridors” from FBC to full approval and award of £3.29m grant to Sheffield City Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B.

c.    Progression of “Rotherham Childrens Capital of Culture” from BJC to full approval and award of £0.96m grant to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary C

d.    Progression of “Laurel Works Build to Rent (BTR) Scheme” to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £4.34m grant, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary D and conclusion of assurance

e.    Progression of “Harmony Works” scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £2m grant, subject to the set out in Assurance Summary E and conclusion of assurance

f.     Progression of “The Castle Project” scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £5m grant, subject to the conclusion of assurance

g.    Progression of “Waverley Net Zero Carbon Pilot (Parcel 4C)” scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £2.02m grant, subject to the conclusion of assurance

h.    Progression of ‘The Hive’ scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up to £1.6m grant, subject to the conclusion of assurance

i.      Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

“Progression of “Waverley 4D” housing scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval as detailed in 1.11.”

j.      Change request as detailed in 1.12.

k.    Acceptance of any subsequent grant award following the submission of a proposal for the Digital Futures Accelerator Fund to the Careers and Enterprise Company.

l.      Acceptance of any subsequent grant award following the submission of a proposal for the Active Travel England E-Cycle Pilot Fund

m.  Acceptance of £0.10m grant from the South Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum (SYLRF)

n.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above.



A Programme Approvals report was presented.


RESOLVED: That the Board approves:

a.    Progression of “North Bridge Connector” from BJC to full approval and award of £1.44m grant to City of Doncaster Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A.

b.    Progression of “South West Bus Corridors” from FBC to full approval and award of £3.29m grant to Sheffield City Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B.

c.     Progression of “Rotherham Childrens Capital of Culture” from BJC to full approval and award of £0.96m grant to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary C

d.    Progression of “Laurel Works Build to Rent (BTR) Scheme” to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £4.34m grant, subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary D and conclusion of assurance

e.    Progression of “Harmony Works” scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £2m grant, subject to the set out in Assurance Summary E and conclusion of assurance

f.      Progression of “The Castle Project” scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £5m grant, subject to the conclusion of assurance

g.    Progression of “Waverley Net Zero Carbon Pilot (Parcel 4C)” scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up-to £2.02m grant, subject to the conclusion of assurance

h.    Progression of ‘The Hive’ scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval for up to £1.6m grant, subject to the conclusion of assurance

i.      Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

“Progression of “Waverley 4D” housing scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval as detailed in 1.11.”

j.      Change request as detailed in 1.12.

k.     Acceptance of any subsequent grant award following the submission of a proposal for the Digital Futures Accelerator Fund to the Careers and Enterprise Company.

l.      Acceptance of any subsequent grant award following the submission of a proposal for the Active Travel England E-Cycle Pilot Fund

m.   Acceptance of £0.10m grant from the South Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum (SYLRF)

o.  Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes above.



Delegated Authority Report pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Board note the decisions and delegations made


The Board was provided with details of decisions and delegations made under the Officer Scheme of Delegation since the previous meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Board note the decisions and delegations made