Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Mayoral Combined Authority Board - Tuesday, 4th June, 2024 1.00 pm

Venue: South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield S1 2BQ


No. Item


Welcome and Apologies

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The Mayor welcomed attendees to the meeting and apologies were noted as above.



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The Mayor noted that the formal pre-election period was now taking place in advance of a General Election in July.


He confirmed that the Police and Crime Commissioner function had been transferred to the MCA, with all staff TUPE-transferred on 7th May, and gave his thanks to all staff involved in the transfer.


He also confirmed that the transfer of tram ownership to the MCA had taken place, and the delivery of the 100-day plan was now underway. Again, he gave this thanks to all those staff involved in the transfer.


Urgent Items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting; the reason(s) for such urgency to be stated.

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Items to be Considered in the Absence of Public and Press

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.  (For items marked * the public and press may be excluded from the meeting.)

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Declarations of Interest by individual Members in relation to any item of business on the agenda

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Reports from and questions by members

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Receipt of Petitions

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Public Questions

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The Mayor advised that public questions had been received in advance of the meeting. However, due to the pre-election period, responses would not be given during the meeting today, and the authors of questions would receive written responses.


The Mayor invited any members of the public to resubmit any questions to a future meeting of the board following the general election.


Minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2024 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2024 be agreed as a true and accurate record.


Mayoral Manifesto pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:


1. Note the content of this report.

2. Receive a further report at a future meeting which sets out work undertaken on plans to deliver the Mayor’s manifesto commitments.

3. Endorse the proposal to extend the appointment of the Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive for a period up to 31st March 2025 and approve the commencement of the recruitment process to appoint a permanent Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive at the appropriate time.

4. Endorse the appointment of Rebecca Brookes as Monitoring Officer for the Combined Authority with effect from August 2024.


(M Swales left the meeting.)


A report on the Mayoral Manifesto was presented. It noted commitments made by the Mayor ahead of his re-election.


The manifesto was structured around six themes, and set out 10 immediate priorities. 


It was noted that a future report on the Mayor’s priorities and the integration of Police and Crime Commissioner functions to the MCA would be brought to the Board.


The report recommended the extension of the appointment Head of Paid Service up to 31st March 2025, and to commence recruitment for a permanent Head of Paid Service at the appropriate time.


The report also recommended the appointment of a new Monitoring Officer from August 2024.


The Mayor thanked the outgoing Monitoring Officer for his service at the MCA.


RESOLVED That the Board:


1. Note the content of this report.

2. Receive a further report at a future meeting which sets out work undertaken on plans to deliver the Mayor’s manifesto commitments.

3. Endorse the proposal to extend the appointment of the Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive for a period up to 31st March 2025 and approve the commencement of the recruitment process to appoint a permanent Head of Paid Service/Chief Executive at the appropriate time.

4. Endorse the appointment of Rebecca Brookes as Monitoring Officer for the Combined Authority with effect from August 2024.


Nominations and Appointments pdf icon PDF 127 KB

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RESOLVED That the Board:

1. Note the appointment of second rotational Member appointments, required to ensure the Authority has a majority of constituent Members.

2. Approve the elected member nominations for the Audit and Standards Committee.

3. Approve the continuing appointment of the existing two independent members for the Audit and Standards Committee.

4. Approve the appointment of the Joint Independent Audit Committee Chair as a non[1]voting member of the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee.

5. Approve the elected member nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

6. Approve the appointment of Mayor Oliver Coppard to the Transport for the North Board and subsequently the Rail North Committee and Transport for the North General Purposes Committee.

7. Approve the appointment of Cllr Chris Read as Vice-Chair of the Enhanced Partnership Board.

8. Approve the appointment of Cllr Tom Hunt as substitute member for the Transport for the North Board and subsequently General Purposes Committee.

9. Approve expressions of interest for nominations from Constituent members to the Transport for the North Scrutiny Committee.

10. Approve expressions of interest for nominations from Constituent members to the Transport for the North Audit and Governance Committee



(M Swales re-entered the meeting.)


Nominations received from Local Authorities to MCA Boards and Committees were presented.


A correction to the paper was noted, that, where Cllr Read was stated for representation on Transport for the North bodies, this should read Cllr Hunt.


It was also proposed that, as in previous years, Cllr Read continue to take the Chair of this Board in the event of the Mayor’s absence for any reason.


RESOLVED That the Board:

1. Note the appointment of second rotational Member appointments, required to ensure the Authority has a majority of constituent Members.

2. Approve the elected member nominations for the Audit and Standards Committee.

3. Approve the continuing appointment of the existing two independent members for the Audit and Standards Committee.

4. Approve the appointment of the Joint Independent Audit Committee Chair as a non[1]voting member of the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee.

5. Approve the elected member nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

6. Approve the appointment of Mayor Oliver Coppard to the Transport for the North Board and subsequently the Rail North Committee and Transport for the North General Purposes Committee.

7. Approve the appointment of Cllr Chris Read as Vice-Chair of the Enhanced Partnership Board.

8. Approve the appointment of Cllr Chris Read as substitute member for the Transport for the North Board and subsequently General Purposes Committee.

9. Approve expressions of interest for nominations from Constituent members to the Transport for the North Scrutiny Committee.

10. Approve expressions of interest for nominations from Constituent members to the Transport for the North Audit and Governance Committee



Amended MCA Constitution pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board endorses the amendments made to the MCA Constitution to reflect the transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner functions with effect from 7th May 2024 and other minor amendments.


The Amended MCA Constitution was presented, which sought endorsement of the amendments which were were made with effect from the 7th May 2024 as a consequence of the transfer of the Police and Crime Commissioner functions to the Mayor.


Minor amendments, and changes reflecting the requirements of the new Scrutiny Protocol had also been made.


It was confirmed that amendments made relating to Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) functions reflected existing PCC corporate processes.


RESOLVED that the Board endorses the amendments made to the MCA Constitution to reflect the transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner functions with effect from 7th May 2024 and other minor amendments.


Annual Corporate Governance Update pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:


1.    To consider and approve the Code of Corporate Governance (appendix A) as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee

2.    To consider and approve the draft Annual Governance Statement and Governance Improvement Plan (appendix B) as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee

3.    To note the progress made in embedding the approach to risk management and to consider and comment on the Risk Management Dashboard (appendix C)

4.    To consider the Audit, Standards and Risk Chair’s Annual Report (appendix D) and the action plan at section 6 to address the findings of the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee Effectiveness Survey

5.    To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Chair’s Annual Report (appendix E) and the action plan at section 6 to address the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Effectiveness Survey


An Annual Corporate Governance Update was presented. It presented an update on the MCA’s governance activity including:

  • The MCA’s plans for meeting the good governance standards set by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountability,
  • A draft annual governance statement which noted that the MCA’s Governance arrangements were sufficiently robust, but flexible, and fit for purpose.
  • Results of annual self-assessment by members of the MCA’s Statutory Committees,
  • Annual Statutory Committee Chair’s reports, including the Committee’s recommendations for development and delivery of the new Scrutiny Protocol.


The Monitoring Officer thanked the Chairs and members of the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee and Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their hard work in the past year, and welcomed newly appointed members.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    To consider and approve the Code of Corporate Governance (appendix A) as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee

2.    To consider and approve the draft Annual Governance Statement and Governance Improvement Plan (appendix B) as recommended by the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee

3.    To note the progress made in embedding the approach to risk management and to consider and comment on the Risk Management Dashboard (appendix C)

4.    To consider the Audit, Standards and Risk Chair’s Annual Report (appendix D) and the action plan at section 6 to address the findings of the Audit, Standards and Risk Committee Effectiveness Survey

To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Chair’s Annual Report (appendix E) and the action plan at section 6 to address the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Effectiveness Survey


Bus Service Improvement Plan Refresh pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Note the progress made on the 2024 BSIP refresh submission.

2.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service, Section 73 Officer and Executive Director for Transport, in consultation with the Mayor as the Portfolio Lead for Transport, to agree the final 2024 BSIP refresh submission once clarification of requirements from DfT are received in light of the general election on 4 July.


A report on the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Refresh was presented.


The previous BSIP had been produced in 2021, and a funding announcement was due to be made for 2024 onwards following submission of a refreshed Plan.


This may now be subject to ministerial approval following the general election, though the submission would nevertheless be made to the Department for Transport by 12th June.  


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Note the progress made on the 2024 BSIP refresh submission.

2.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service, Section 73 Officer and Executive Director for Transport, in consultation with the Mayor as the Portfolio Lead for Transport, to agree the final 2024 BSIP refresh submission once clarification of requirements from DfT are received in light of the general election on 4 July.


LVEP Advisory Forum pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Approve the establishment of a Local Visitor Economy Partnership Advisory Forum.

2.    Delegate to the Portfolio Lead and Lead Chief Executive:

a. Final approval and formal invitations to join the Advisory Forum

b. Flexibility to amend the non-political membership as the work of the Forum takes shape to ensure that membership reflects the diversity of, and the issues and opportunities that emerge for the Visitor Economy in South Yorkshire.

3.    Approve the draft Terms of Reference for the Advisory Forum.

4.    Note the intention to bring together visitor economy partners and stakeholders from across the region at an event hosted at Magna, Rotherham in July 2024


A report on the Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) was presented by Cllr Tom Hunt.


Cllr hunt introduced the item, noting that the region’s Destination Management Plan (DMP) required the establishment of an LVEP to provide strategic direction to the delivery of the DMP.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Approve the establishment of a Local Visitor Economy Partnership Advisory Forum.

2.    Delegate to the Portfolio Lead and Lead Chief Executive:

a. Final approval and formal invitations to join the Advisory Forum

b. Flexibility to amend the non-political membership as the work of the Forum takes shape to ensure that membership reflects the diversity of, and the issues and opportunities that emerge for the Visitor Economy in South Yorkshire.

3.    Approve the draft Terms of Reference for the Advisory Forum.

Note the intention to bring together visitor economy partners and stakeholders from across the region at an event hosted at Magna, Rotherham in July 2024


Mayoral Allowance pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Endorse the establishment of the Independent Remuneration Panel and that their reasonable time commitment be remunerated;

2.    Determine the allowance payable to the incumbent Mayor considering the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendation that the appropriate allowance payable for the role of South Yorkshire Mayor is £107,000 (indexed linked going forward);

3.    Agree the allowance will be payable from 7th May 2024 being the date that the Police and Crime Commissioner functions transferred to the Mayor; and

4.    Agree that the remuneration be reviewed in again in 4 years;



(The Mayor vacated the Chair and left the meeting, Cllr Chris Read took over as Chair)


A report on the Mayoral Allowance was presented. It noted that legislation requires that any increase to the Mayor’s allowance be subject to the recommendation of an independent Remuneration Panel.


An Independent Remuneration Panel had been established, and had recommended an increase in the Mayors allowance to £107,000 per annum, index linked, and to be further reviewed in 4 years. 


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Endorse the establishment of the Independent Remuneration Panel and that their reasonable time commitment be remunerated;

2.    Determine the allowance payable to the incumbent Mayor considering the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendation that the appropriate allowance payable for the role of South Yorkshire Mayor is £107,000 (indexed linked going forward);

3.    Agree the allowance will be payable from 7th May 2024 being the date that the Police and Crime Commissioner functions transferred to the Mayor; and

4.    Agree that the remuneration be reviewed again in 4 years.


2023/24 Financial Outturn and Budget Update pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:

1. Note the financial position at the outturn of financial year 2023/24.

2. Approve the revised budget estimates for financial year 2024/25.

3. Approve the movements to reserves as detailed in Appendix B.



(The Mayor returned to the meeting and resumed as Chair.)


The 2023/24 financial outturn report was presented. It noted that the MCA had achieved its highest level of capital expenditure and revenue generation since its inception.


It also noted the strong financial performance through its treasury management strategy, which would allow greater investment in to the MCA’s priorities in the future.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1. Note the financial position at the outturn of financial year 2023/24.

2. Approve the revised budget estimates for financial year 2024/25.

3. Approve the movements to reserves as detailed in Appendix B.



Gateway Review pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Notes the feedback received from the national evaluators of the Gateway Review.

2.    Considers how local authorities and stakeholders should be further engaged in the evaluation of Devolution Investment Funds for the remainder of the Gateway Review period.


A report on the Gateway Review was presented. It noted that:

  • The Gateway Review is the national evaluation process for how devolution funding, otherwise known as Gainshare, is allocated and invested,
  • This review takes place every 5 years,
  • 2 out of 3 stages of the review had now taken place, with positive feedback received evaluators so far,
  • A final set of evidence papers would be produced in July, and would be subject to peer-review in January 2025.


RESOLVED that the Board:

1.    Notes the feedback received from the national evaluators of the Gateway Review.

Considers how local authorities and stakeholders should be further engaged in the evaluation of Devolution Investment Funds for the remainder of the Gateway Review period.


Programme Approvals pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED That the Board approves:

1.    Progression of “CRSTS19/2 Realtime Detection Priority” from Business Justification Case to full approval and award of £0.39m grant to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A;

2.    Progression of “T0008/2a Magna Tinsley” from Full Business Case to full approval and award of up to £4.48m grant to Sheffield City Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B;

3.    Progression of “D0073 Tech SY” project application to full approval and award of £0.85m to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary C;

4.    Progression of “E-cycle Pilot Fund” Business Justification Case to full approval and award of grants to each of the Local Authorities subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary D;

5.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

“Progression of “D0053 Fishlake Flood Risk Management Scheme” from Business Justification Case to full approval and award of £0.1m to City of Doncaster Council as detailed in section 1.5;

6.    Acceptance of £3.35m grant from Active Travel England for the Active Travel Fund 4 Extension;

7.    Acceptance of £0.49m grant from Active Travel England for the Capability Fund  2022/23 Extension;

8.    Acceptance of £0.98m grant from Active Travel England for the Capability Fund 2023/24, progression to full approval and award of grants to each of the Local Authorities as detailed in section 1.9;

9.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the points above.


A Programme Approvals report was presented.


RESOLVED That the Board approves:

1.    Progression of “CRSTS19/2 Realtime Detection Priority” from Business Justification Case to full approval and award of £0.39m grant to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary A;

2.    Progression of “T0008/2a Magna Tinsley” from Full Business Case to full approval and award of up to £4.48m grant to Sheffield City Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary B;

3.    Progression of “D0073 Tech SY” project application to full approval and award of £0.85m to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary C;

4.    Progression of “E-cycle Pilot Fund” Business Justification Case to full approval and award of grants to each of the Local Authorities subject to the conditions set out in Assurance Summary D;

5.    Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of the following:

“Progression of “D0053 Fishlake Flood Risk Management Scheme” from Business Justification Case to full approval and award of £0.1m to City of Doncaster Council as detailed in section 1.5;

6.    Acceptance of £3.35m grant from Active Travel England for the Active Travel Fund 4 Extension;

7.    Acceptance of £0.49m grant from Active Travel England for the Capability Fund  2022/23 Extension;

8.    Acceptance of £0.98m grant from Active Travel England for the Capability Fund 2023/24, progression to full approval and award of grants to each of the Local Authorities as detailed in section 1.9;

Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the points above.


Education, Training and Skills Approvals pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Board:


1. Approve final grant allocations of Adult Skills Fund and Free Courses for Jobs for academic year 2024/25


2. Approve creation of £0.5m Adult Skills Fund Pre-Apprenticeship allocation and delegate authority to the Portfolio Lead for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to approve grant awards to learning organisations.


3. Accept up to £0.7m grant from the Careers and Enterprise Company for the Careers Hub for academic year 2024/25


4. Delegate authority to the Portfolio Lead for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to accept up to £3.57m of grant funding from South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board for delivery of the Work Well programme across the financial years 2024-25 to 2025-26


5. Delegate authority to the Portfolio Lead for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to develop and submit applications to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for up to £29.1m to deliver the Universal Support programme across three financial years 2024/25 – 2026/27.


6. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to accept grant, negotiate the terms and approve entering into legal agreements for the schemes above.



An Education, Training and Skills approvals report was presented. It sought approval for a number of schemes which help to address economic inactivity in the region.



RESOLVED that the Board:

1. Approve final grant allocations of Adult Skills Fund and Free Courses for Jobs for academic year 2024/25

2. Approve creation of £0.5m Adult Skills Fund Pre-Apprenticeship allocation and delegate authority to the Portfolio Lead for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to approve grant awards to learning organisations.

3. Accept up to £0.7m grant from the Careers and Enterprise Company for the Careers Hub for academic year 2024/25

4. Delegate authority to the Portfolio Lead for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to accept up to £3.57m of grant funding from South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board for delivery of the Work Well programme across the financial years 2024-25 to 2025-26

5. Delegate authority to the Portfolio Lead for Skills and Employment, in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to develop and submit applications to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for up to £29.1m to deliver the Universal Support programme across three financial years 2024/25 – 2026/27.

6. Delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to accept grant, negotiate the terms and approve entering into legal agreements for the schemes above.



Delegated Authority Report pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Board note the decisions and delegations made.



The Board was provided with details of decisions and delegations made under the Officer Scheme of Delegation since the previous meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Board note the decisions and delegations made.