
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by officers with authority to take delegated decisions for the Combined Authority.

Decisions published

30/03/2024 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement ref: 503    Recommendations Approved

The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a licensing agreement designed for large organisations procuring Microsoft software licenses for multiple users and or devices. It offers a cost-effective way to purchase software licenses in bulk and provides various benefits such as government-level discounts, centralised license management, and software assurance.

To utilise Microsoft's platform, the organisation must establish a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. This agreement will allow the organisation to maintain usage of Microsoft products and gain access to additional collaborative tools.

The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement allows the organisation to purchase software licences on a subscription basis, which means that the benefits of Software Assurance (SA) can be leveraged. SA allows the software to be maintained and provides access to the latest versions for no additional costs.

The EA covers many Microsoft products and services, including Windows operating systems, Office productivity suite, server products, Azure cloud services, and more. This comprehensive product portfolio enables SYMCA to meet its diverse

MS software needs through a single agreement.
The EA provides centralised license management, making it easier for DTS to track and manage its Microsoft software licenses. This centralised approach simplifies license administration and helps us ensure compliance with licensing terms and conditions.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 04/04/2024

Effective from: 30/03/2024


Enter into a three-year contract via direct award to Insight UK using the Health Trust Europe framework at a cost of up to £1,323,738.

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

27/03/2024 - Progression of AEB Innovation Fund Application “Green Skills Plus” project to full approval and award of £189k to Sheffield College. ref: 502    Recommendations Approved

On the 5th June 2023 the MCA Board delegated authority to approve future individual innovation fund projects to the Head of Paid Service (or delegate) in consultation with the Chair of the Education, Skills and Employability Board, subject to the following principles:
• Each application limited to a maximum of £200,000 per application and minimum of £50,000
• Maximum of two applications per provider per year
• Proposals must have strong strategic alignment to, first and foremost, economic growth and thereafter to SYMCA’s ten AEB targets
• Proposals must have sensitivity to geographical distribution of funding
• Proposals must make clear why the activity cannot be supported from within existing AEB allocations
• Proposals must not duplicate or negatively affect other provision available in South Yorkshire
• Consideration must be given to the wider financial position and the need to balance investment in new provision with the extent of existing provision.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/03/2024

Effective from: 27/03/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

27/03/2024 - Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Capability Fund ref: 501    Recommendations Approved

In 2023 SYMCA successfully bid to the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) LEVI Capability Fund and were awarded a total of £809,00 revenue across two phases. This was to provide the resources and capacity to support delivery of increased electric vehicle charging infrastructure and complements the £8.9m capital award which was recently confirmed.

The allocation is shared across SYMCA and the four local authorities in order to promote a consistent approach to EV charging infrastructure across the region.

An opportunity to bid for additional LEVI Capability Funding has been opened.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/03/2024

Effective from: 27/03/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

27/03/2024 - Progression of “Tech SY” from Mandate and award of £128k development cost funding to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council ref: 500    Recommendations Approved

In March 2023 the MCA board approved the revised Assurance Framework. The revised Assurance Framework provides for a one-stop governance process. This change was designed to improve the pace at which schemes can be developed and delivered. Strategic Business Cases are undertaken within authorities with Outline Business Cases undertaken at MCA Board level. The Framework allows for schemes that are accepted into the programme to access development funding. Development funding is a key component in supporting the development of quality schemes at pace and is distributed on conclusion of the Strategic Business Case. Accordingly, there was an unintended discrepancy where the intention for a one-stop process was undercut by the need to seek separate approvals for development funding release and OBC approvals.

Therefore, in July 2023 the MCA board granted approval to delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Portfolio Leaders and the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to approve the release of development cost funding in line with the Assurance Framework to enable schemes to progress as efficiently as possible.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/03/2024

Effective from: 27/03/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

27/03/2024 - Progression of “The National Centre for Child Health Technology Accelerator Pilot” PFF application from Mandate and award of £50k to UP Ventures ref: 499    Recommendations Approved

In January 2022 the MCA Board agreed to a phased approach to the deployment of gainshare resource. This phased approach would see the majority of gainshare revenue resource available over the next two years released to the Project Feasibility Fund (PFF). The MCA allocation for the PFF is £4m.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/03/2024

Effective from: 27/03/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

27/03/2024 - Progression of “Sheffield Innovation Spine” PFF application from Mandate and award of £80k. ref: 498    Recommendations Approved

In January 2022 the MCA Board agreed to a phased approach to the deployment of gainshare resource. This phased approach would see the majority of gainshare revenue resource available over the next two years released to the Project Feasibility Fund (PFF). The MCA allocation for the PFF is £4m.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 27/03/2024

Effective from: 27/03/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

19/03/2024 - A61 Wakefield Road Barnsley Phase 1 ref: 497    Recommendations Approved

A61 Wakefield Road Barnsley Phase 1: To seek approval to pay a fee of £150,000 for the oversight of the public highway works associated with the A61 Phase 1 Scheme in accordance with the Section 278 agreement.

The section of the A61 subject to the current highway improvement works is to be an adopted public highway.

SYMCA are required to enter into a Section 278 agreement with BMBC for the highway to be adopted upon completion of the works. Failure to have the highway adopted would lead to SYMCA being responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the road after construction.

To ensure the works are completed to adoptable standard BMBC is to inspect the works as they progress. In accordance with the Section 278 agreement BMBC has indicated the initial estimated value of the supervision is £150,000. Costs are charged based on actual time committed to the works.

BMBC normally charge 8% of the construction cost for providing the full service, which would amount to approximately £750,000. BMBC have agreed to restrict this fee to £150,000 based on the fact that we are delivering a highway scheme with our combined authority partners for the benefit of the people of Barnsley.

An allowance of £150,000 has been made in the cost plan, so no additional funding will be required at this stage.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 21/03/2024

Effective from: 19/03/2024


Approval to pay an agreed fee of £150,000 to BMBC for oversight of the A61 Phase 1 works in accordance with the Section 278 agreement

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran