
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority.

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Decisions published

08/04/2024 - Progression of “Parcel 4D, Waverley – Affordable Housing-Led Scheme” from OBC to FBC subject to recommendations at FBC ref: 508    Recommendations Approved

On 13th March 2024 the MCA board delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Ros Jones - in her position as the Portfolio Lead for Housing & Infrastructure - for consideration of “Progression of “Waverley 4D” housing scheme to post-OBC in-principle approval of up to £2.96m grant to unlock the delivery of 117 homes at the Waverley site in Rotherham.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 11/04/2024

Effective from: 08/04/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

08/04/2024 - Progression of UKSPF project to full approval and award a. Progression of “Doncaster UKSPF Programme Plan – Year 3” to full approval and award of £2.15m UKSPF funding to City of Doncaster Council ref: 506    Recommendations Approved

The UKSPF is the Government’s major economic development fund to replace EU Structural and Investment Funds. It is a largely revenue fund aiming to boost productivity. The MCA submitted its Investment Plan to Government in August 2022 following approval by the Board in July 2022.

In November 2022 the MCA board gave delegated authority to the MCA Chief Executive and s73 officer to enter into funding agreements in accordance with the UKSPF submitted Investment Plan, local delivery plans and any conditions agreed with Government.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 11/04/2024

Effective from: 08/04/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

12/02/2024 - Net Zero Programme Support ref: 504    Recommendations Approved

The ED Policy and Strategic Development has identified resource requirement for the Sustainability team. An open recruitment process to recruit an individual was undertaken via a recruitment agency with shortlisting and interviews undertaken by the Executive Director. Sandra Fryer was selected as the preferred candidate.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Policy and Strategic Development

Decision published: 08/04/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024


Approve the appointment of Sandra Fryer to provide Net Zero programme support at an estimated cost of £51,240.

Lead officer: Clare Monaghan

30/03/2024 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement ref: 503    Recommendations Approved

The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a licensing agreement designed for large organisations procuring Microsoft software licenses for multiple users and or devices. It offers a cost-effective way to purchase software licenses in bulk and provides various benefits such as government-level discounts, centralised license management, and software assurance.

To utilise Microsoft's platform, the organisation must establish a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. This agreement will allow the organisation to maintain usage of Microsoft products and gain access to additional collaborative tools.

The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement allows the organisation to purchase software licences on a subscription basis, which means that the benefits of Software Assurance (SA) can be leveraged. SA allows the software to be maintained and provides access to the latest versions for no additional costs.

The EA covers many Microsoft products and services, including Windows operating systems, Office productivity suite, server products, Azure cloud services, and more. This comprehensive product portfolio enables SYMCA to meet its diverse

MS software needs through a single agreement.
The EA provides centralised license management, making it easier for DTS to track and manage its Microsoft software licenses. This centralised approach simplifies license administration and helps us ensure compliance with licensing terms and conditions.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 04/04/2024

Effective from: 30/03/2024


Enter into a three-year contract via direct award to Insight UK using the Health Trust Europe framework at a cost of up to £1,323,738.

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton