
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by officers with authority to take delegated decisions for the Combined Authority.

Decisions published

20/05/2024 - Commercial Street Bridge – Bearing Repairs ref: 526    Recommendations Approved

To mitigate against failure of bridge bearing connection on Commercial Street Bridge.

The Commercial Street (Bow String) bridge forms a key link on the Supertram network linking Sheffield City Centre to the east part of the network, Meadowhall, Halfway and Herdings Park, including the tram depot.

As part of their routine inspections SYSL has identified a structural failure in the connection between the fixed bearing and the bridge superstructure requiring immediate analysis and repair work.

The structure is owned by SYMCA and will also be SYMCA operational responsibility in March 2024 and as such need to determine and implement a repair.

SYSL continues to monitor the defect for deterioration.

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 21/05/2024

Effective from: 20/05/2024


Appoint Balfour Beatty to progress the Pre-Construction Phase including detail design of Commercial Street Bridge at a cost of £92,329.42 through the SCAPE framework.

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

17/05/2024 - Progression of AEB Innovation Fund Application “Low Carbon” project to full approval and award of £200k to Barnsley College. ref: 525    Recommendations Approved

On the 5th June 2023 the MCA Board delegated authority to approve future individual innovation fund projects to the Head of Paid Service (or delegate) in consultation with the Chair of the Education, Skills and Employability Board, subject to the following principles:
• Each application limited to a maximum of £200,000 per application and minimum of £50,000
• Maximum of two applications per provider per year
• Proposals must have strong strategic alignment to, first and foremost, economic growth and thereafter to SYMCA’s ten AEB targets
• Proposals must have sensitivity to geographical distribution of funding
• Proposals must make clear why the activity cannot be supported from within existing AEB allocations
• Proposals must not duplicate or negatively affect other provision available in South Yorkshire
• Consideration must be given to the wider financial position and the need to balance investment in new provision with the extent of existing provision.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 17/05/2024

Effective from: 17/05/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

17/05/2024 - Progression of “Town End Roundabout” and release of development funding of £0.42m to Barnsley metropolitan Borough Council ref: 524    Recommendations Approved

In March 2023 the MCA board approved the revised Assurance Framework. The revised Assurance Framework provides for a one-stop governance process. This change was designed to improve the pace at which schemes can be developed and delivered. Strategic Business Cases are undertaken within authorities with Outline Business Cases undertaken at MCA Board level.

The Framework allows for schemes that are accepted into the programme to access development funding. Development funding is a key component in supporting the development of quality schemes at pace and is distributed on conclusion of the Strategic Business Case. Accordingly, there was an unintended discrepancy where the intention for a one-stop process was undercut by the need to seek separate approvals for development funding release and OBC approvals.

Therefore, in July 2023 the MCA board granted approval to delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Portfolio Leaders and the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to approve the release of development cost funding in line with the Assurance Framework to enable schemes to progress as efficiently as possible.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 17/05/2024

Effective from: 17/05/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendation

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

17/05/2024 - Release of development funding of £4.6m to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council for the progression of the Barnsley Town Centre Strategic Acquisition to stage 1 FBC. ref: 523    Recommendations Approved

In March 2023 the MCA board approved the revised Assurance Framework. The revised Assurance Framework provides for a one-stop governance process. This change was designed to improve the pace at which schemes can be developed and delivered. Strategic Business Cases are undertaken within authorities with Outline Business Cases undertaken at MCA Board level. The Framework allows for schemes that are accepted into the programme to access development funding. Development funding is a key component in supporting the development of quality schemes at pace and is distributed on conclusion of the Strategic Business Case. Accordingly, there was an unintended discrepancy where the intention for a one-stop process was undercut by the need to seek separate approvals for development funding release and OBC approvals.

Therefore, in July 2023 the MCA board granted approval to delegate authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Portfolio Leaders and the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to approve the release of development cost funding in line with the Assurance Framework to enable schemes to progress as efficiently as possible.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 17/05/2024

Effective from: 17/05/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

10/05/2024 - Bus tender advance payment ref: 522    Recommendations Approved

Due to the exceptional circumstances [redacted].

• [redacted]

The payment, if approved, is an advance payment of £70k and will be recovered at £7k per period over the next 10 payment periods, netted off against their ordinary payments in arrears, so that it is completed this financial year. A letter issued from legal and signed by both parties agreeing to the advance payment and recovery method will be required before the payment is made.


Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 13/05/2024

Effective from: 10/05/2024


Option 2 – this is an initial advance payment of £70k but will be fully recovered.

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

08/05/2024 - Progression of ‘Transport Innovation Fund – CCTV in Taxis’ and release of £173,677 to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council ref: 521    Recommendations Approved

A one-off Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) of up to £2.5m from treasury management windfall was established by the Combined Authority in August 2023, to support innovative transport projects in South Yorkshire.

TIF funding is not intended to provide further, short-term protection to bus services, but instead to support innovative transport-related proposals that demonstrate the potential in the future to offer a more efficient means of supporting individual and community mobility than the current approach.

In discussions with Leaders, there is a strong appetite to pilot trials of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) across the region to investigate whether this offers a more cost effective way of serving areas that struggle to maintain a timetabled bus service.

These proposals are to be delivered and evaluated by the end of March 2025 and if successful, could offer an innovative way of reducing pressure on the tendered services budget.

Therefore, in February 2024 the MCA board approved delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with Mayor Coppard – in his position as the Portfolio lead for Transport – for consideration of the Transport Innovation Fund pilot schemes, and delegated authority to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Section 73 and Monitoring Officer to enter into legal agreements for the schemes.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 09/05/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


Option 1 – Approve the recommendations

Lead officer: Gareth Sutton

09/05/2024 - Tram Replacement Bus Service for May 2024 ref: 520    Recommendations Approved

Tram replacement bus service at a cost of £48,423.00 for operation between University and Shrewsbury Road via the city centre, to allow for the major works to be completed in the city centre. Tender is for 9 days operation from Sat 25/05 to Sun 02/06.

Without this service, the tram network would not be linked effectively.

A tender was issued, and two bids were received based on a 5 PVR working option. The service will operate as a free service.


Bidder 1 - First South Yorkshire:
• EURO VI retrofit Min Cost £48,423.00 with five double deckers
Bidder 2 – [redacted]
• EURO VI Min Cost £68,700 – note that this is for x3 double deckers and x2 single deckers

Recommend award:

First South Yorkshire Min Cost at £48,423.00

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Transport

Decision published: 09/05/2024

Effective from: 09/05/2024


Option 2 – at a cost of £48,423.00

Lead officer: Melanie Corcoran

08/05/2024 - Annual Charges 8 x 8 ref: 519    Recommendations Approved

8x8 is SYMCAs all-in-One Cloud Phone System.

Annual charges for the service for 2024 – 2025 are due for payment, a cost of £67,862.40.

Decision Maker: Section 73 Officer

Decision published: 09/05/2024

Effective from: 08/05/2024


To pay the annual charges of £67,862.40 to ensure continuation of service via direct award under HealthTrust Europe’s (HTE’s)ICT Solutions 2023(‘ComIT3’) to Insight.

Lead officer: Nick Brailsford